Book Review: The Death Watcher (Robert Hunter #13) by Chris Carter

“First he takes you, then he breaks you.”

Published on 6th June 2022 and the 13th book in Chris Carter‘s Robert Hunter series, The Death Watcher follows Medical Examiner Dr Hove who calls for the help of Detective Robert Hunter after she discovers some puzzling inconsistencies in what seemed like a routine autopsy of a hit-and-run victim. Not only did Dr Hove discover that the death wasn’t caused by a vehicle, but she also found indications that the victim had been severely tortured prior to death.

But Dr Hove has stumbled upon just the tip of the iceberg which will lead Hunter and his partner, Garcia, on the trail of a twisted killer who no one even knew existed…


Thank you to The Likely Suspects for a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

It’s a sad time when you complete a series, and I don’t know what I’m going to do now that I’m all caught up with these phenomenal books! But The Death Watcher is another favourite for me, so I’m feeling on such a high with this series.

Carter has often commented that this is a slower-paced story and less gruesome than his other books, but I absolutely loved this stripped-back style. It reminded me of the first few books in the series, taking more time to set the scene, build that atmosphere, detail and develop everything so meticulously that every turn will send a chill up your spine.

And because of that, The Death Watcher had that classic horror film feel for me, reminding me of the early Saw films and of the NYC series of American Horror Story – grimy, gritty, unnerving, and twisted, with a serial killer who will really get under your nails.

I’ve not long finished Genesis which left me feeling a little emotional as you find yourself sympathising with the killer, a remarkable feat for an author to achieve. But here, even though parts of you understand the motive, this is the kind of killer you want to suffer. I love how the two contrast against each other, and words can’t describe how much I loved this book.

If you haven’t started this series yet, do it!!!


The Death Watcher by Chris Carter
Series: Robert Hunter #13
Release Date: 6th June 2024
Print Length: 400 pages
Genre: Thriller
Publisher: Simon & Schuster

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